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Public talk by Professor GU Yueguo: Chinese Face over centenaries

Friday, April 8, 2022 - 13:00 to 14:00

Please join us on Friday 8th April, 13:00-14:00 for the next talk in our public talks series from Professor GU Yueguo from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor Gu will explore issues around the concept of “face” in China and the high importance of “saving face” to preserve a person’s respect and honour. The Chinese native anthropologist Lin Yutang characterizes “face” as one of ‘three immutable laws of the Chinese universe’. With this in mind, Professor Gu will attempt to explore three issues in this talk:

(1) Has the concept of face, the Chinese twins --- ‘mianzi’ and ‘lian’ --- evolved in China over the last two centuries?

(2) Is it still alive and kicking at the first phase of the 21st century China?; and

(3) Is it relevant to business transactions in Chinese business sectors?

GU Yueguo from OU LAL on Vimeo.

Transcript - GU Yueguo talk [edited]

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