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Publication of the Special Issue: Technology-enhanced Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language

Image of the Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Available now - Publication of the Special Issue: Technology-enhanced Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language

This open-access special issue has recently been published by the peer reviewed Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JCCALL). It is co-edited by Dr SHI Lijing of the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Director of the Online Confucius Institute at The Open University, Dr KAN Qian. This special issue aims to bridge the gap between research and pedagogy in the intersection of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). It explores and showcases innovative approaches, research findings, and practical applications in the field of technology-enhanced teaching of CFL.

This special issue consists of two practice-oriented papers, five research papers, one scope review, and one book review. Read the editors’ introduction to this special issue to find out more about the topics and contributors.  To view the full paper and download, please visit this journal page.

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