Dynamic Qigong for Health: Session 3

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00
Kate Raine

(Internal event for OU staff in the Faculty of WELS)

A series of online mind and body exercise courses aimed to support your mental and physical health with Feixia Yu. These sessions are internal for OU staff within the Faculty of WELS as part of the WELS Wellbeing programme in conjunction with the OU Online Confucius Institute.

Session 3: Dynamic Qigong & Exercise Prescriptions 运动处方

  • Adapting the routine to your needs: variations e.g. seated version & 帕友方
  • Stagnation of Qi flow: 不通则痛,
  • Movement 3:Stretching upwards with one hand (调理脾胃须单举)
  • Movement 8: Raising and lowering the heels (背后七颠百病消)

To sign up, please visit the WELS Wellbeing page (internal page) 

A recording of the session will be made available to the general public and published here afterwards.


The slides from the event are now available to download here and the recording is available below. 



Contact Us

Online Confucius Institute office 

Stuart Hall Building  
The Open University 
Walton Hall 
Milton Keynes 
MK7 6AA 

Email: Online-CI@open.ac.uk